As a beginner, you probably won't be able to sing the way you want or the way your favorite singers do. That is because the singing voice is uniquely specific to each individual’s anatomy and emotional sensibilities.
One may have a deeper or higher natural voice; a larger or smaller vocal range and one's innate vibrato may be very different from the favorite singers.
Some of these characteristics can be modified with training and experience and some are just You and should be celebrated.
Singing like a better You is the best favor to do yourself. The great singers we all admire are gifted and unique in their own way, and so are you.
So be influenced by great singers and pay close attention to their singing and have fun emulating them but Do not expect to sound like them.
You might be able to get close, but it's far important to develop your own unique style. And this is because you can't be a better version of someone who have identified and developed his/her unique style.
After a choir ministration one time, our pastor called
the song leader and said: "we have already seen Joe mettle, and we are not
interested in seeing another him. You are the one we want to see."
source: SingItRight