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The YEAR is running, and as usual, everyone is minding their business and some enjoying their leisure time. But be reminded that as you woke up today from bed some did not. As you move up and down some cannot. As you do what you do some cannot. 

These are truths you need to remember as you climb up as an artiste or a gospel music minister, a church leader, talented person etc. 

On one of these reflective weekends, I thought to myself 

1. You are not the first God called and anointed and you won't be the last.

2. Never think you are the best in your generation. There is someone you don't know about. It is hidden in time.

3. Who you are and where you are now, is a stage and a season that has been before, the same way they passed you will also pass.

4. Remember where you were before you got to this status in the industry or church.

It's amazing how some talented and gifted people can just forget where they came from and start disrespecting people that God used to bring them up. Some of these people are your CEO, pastors, managers, fans, workers, BVs, church members etc.

Being gifted and super talented has a way of making you feel proud especially when men start to hail you, saying "You are anointed" and mostly when people fall under your ministration and also when you start getting invitations from all over. These signs are good but it can easily eat into your head.

Humility is work. You need to learn it daily. You need to understand that everything that has a beginning has an end; you will not exist forever.

Place value on time. Let your journey humble you. You didn't get to where you are by chance, grace was working for you. Never let the grace God freely gave, cause pride in your heart. If you're troubled with anxiety and people issues, as Proverbs 4:23 says, "Guard your heart, for out of it flows the issues of life."

In the early days of my career as a musician, I met one popular gospel musician at a church program. I was so excited to see him and filled with much joy that I proceeded to shake him, only to be given his finger tips as a hand shake. At that point, I was so hurt, I tried to smell my hand to see if there was something wrong.

Funny as it may seem, I remember it till this day and now I know it was a matter of his preference. He chose how he wanted to greet. Fair enough. But this encounter really taught me lots of lessons, the key being humility. Many years after.... You can imagine what God did.....that is a story for another day.

Brethren in Christ, I came to tell you that when you see men fall, don't laugh. Learn! Learn! Learn! You never know when you'll be on the other side of the bargain. You and I are not free from the things that tipped men to fall.

Fellow gospel musicians, gifted people, life is a race but the race is not to the swift or strong, the best vocalist or best song writer, the best drummer or best performer, amazing Preacher etc.

Your time will also come.

Don't mock when your fellow flops a concert.

Don't laugh at me, if I miss my notes or keys on stage.

Don't insult me to the world because you think I have a weakness that you don't have.

Because time and chance will give us all an opportunity.

"Humility and integrity outlive earthly prosperity."

I love you so I write to us all. Let's let love lead.

Africa Unite, That's The #SPIRIT OF AFRICA.

Thank you all for your audience.


# Africa

# Ghana









By Max Praise

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