THE "4s" OF STAYING RELEVANT IN THE GOSPEL MUSIC MINISTRY (May apply to other areas of life)
Identify your UNIQUE SOUND, STYLE and SKILL. This sound and style can be worked on to become your SKILL. Identify your natural sound and develop it to the best of your ability.
God has endowed every singer or musician with a unique sound. Don't go about trying to sound like every singer or instrumentalist. It is your uniqueness that will make you stand out.
It is okay to imitate or study after your role models but that doesn't mean you should trade away your originality. Be you!
Not all of us are meant to be lead singers. Be content
if you're just meant to be a great part leader or backing vocalist. Don't force
yourself to be a Praise Leader. When God has called you to be a diligent
Worship Leader, stick to your keys and be good at it instead of trying to play
every other instrument.
There's a sound that bears your name. There's a style
that gives you identify. Go for it.
To be continued.
©Peter Owusu Ansah